Air Control & Monitoring

Venturi Valve

Available in constant or variable air volume configurations, the Venturi Valve is able to control flow without the need for airflow measuring devices in the airstream. The device eliminates the possibility of lint or other airborne particulates interfering with the control or accuracy of the valve. The valve provides electronic flow feedback using a precision potentiometer to output a signal proportional to airflow.
Each valve is factory characterised on NVLAP accredited airflow calibration stations (NVLAP Lab Code 201067-0 complying with ISO/IEC 17025) using N.I.S.T traceable equipment to ensure dependable and repeatable valve accuracy. Antec Controls Venturi Valves are accurate to ±5% of flow when operated within the designed pressure range. Valve accuracy is unaffected by inlet conditions and does not require any minimum distance of straight duct on the inlet or outlet of the valve.
Mechanical pressure independence is achieved through the highly engineered internal plunger assembly. The plunger assembly ensures the valve responds instantaneously to changes in duct static pressure. Turndown ratios reaching up to 20:1 maximise energy savings when space unoccupied or when at minimum flow set point.