Registers & Grilles

Egg Crate Grilles

Holyoake’s range of egg crate grilles provides an aesthetically simple exhaust or return air grille with the option for an obscured blade style.

  • Two blade styles are available:
    • EC-125 with straight core blades at 12.5mm centres.
    • HI-35 with blades on 9.5mm centres with a 35° pitch for obsured vision.
  • Available with the Removable Core (RC) frame system to enable ease of access to the grille and duct for cleaning and maintenance purposes.
  • Filter Return (FR) is also available as an alternative to the RC frame system which comprises a hinged subframe, fastened by a thumb clip.
  • Rear optional Opposed Blade Damper (OBD) for airflow control screwdriver operated from face of register.
Accessory Manuals
Revit Files